Natural burial sites

West Cambewarra Natural Burials

Set in the natural bushland area, natural burials are an environmentally sustainable option for burials that aligns with modern resource conservation efforts.

The purpose of a natural burial is to prepare the body and coffin in a way that doesn't prevent natural decomposition so that both can be returned to the earth and recycled naturally. By doing so, it minimizes future risks to public health and supports environmental sustainability practices.

These burials are only allowed in areas approved by the Shoalhaven City Council, and the specific plot location is determined by the Bereavement Services Unit based on operational risk assessments and logistics.

A 75mm x 55mm cast bronze plaque is inscribed with name, lifespan and GPS coordinates of the burial place. Maps showing the location of natural burials can be obtained from the Bereavement Services office.

Requirements for natural burial

For natural burials, the funerary service provider nominated by the applicant must certify that:

  • the body to be buried has not been partially or fully embalmed
  • pacemakers and other electronic implants are not present in the body
  • the body of the deceased is dressed only in fully biodegradable materials such as cotton

And that the coffin in which the body will be contained:

  • is constructed with rapid biodegradability in mind
  • is constructed from a renewable or recycled resource such as wicker, reeds, bamboo, plantation softwood, recycled paper, recycled cardboard or recycled softwood
  • uses only materials that are known to be rapidly biodegradable
  • has handles made from hemp rope or another similar biodegradable product
  • uses metal fixings to join the coffin only where essential for structural purposes
  • must not use non-biodegradable liners
  • contains only the body of the deceased

Restrictions after burial

After burial, access to the each grave may be restricted due to:

  • work, health and safety requirements
  • local environment protection concerns
  • inclement weather
  • the protection of the landscape

Only natural cut or dried flowers may be left on or near the grave. Mementos or tributes of any other kind are not permitted on natural burial sites. They will be removed without notice and held by the Bereavement Services Office for collection for seven days after which time they will be disposed of.