Headstones and monuments

Construction and restoration of headstones and monuments is a specialised skill. In order for them to remain safe, upright and easy to read it is a requirement in cemeteries that only licensed monument masons complete this work.
Requesting construction or restoration work
Should you wish to carry out any work on a headstone or monument in a cemetery, you will need to hold the rights to the related plot. This may be passed down over generations and in some cases requires investigation and documentation to determine the rightful owner. Please contact Shoalhaven Bereavement Services in the first instance to confirm if you are the person that can request a monument mason to carry out work.
Monument masons
There are a number of licensed monument masons that are approved to work in Shoalhaven cemeteries.
Before a monument mason can commence work in a Cemetery they must:
- Submit a completed Grave Improvement Application accompanied by the current fee listed in the Council's Fees and Charges. The application fee is not refundable should the application be refused.
- Include scaled drawings of all elements of the proposed construction which must meet the applicable Australian Standard.
- Only commence work when the approved Work Permit has been issued and has been received by the Monument Mason.
All construction in Shoalhaven Cemeteries must be in accordance with Australian Standard AS 4204-2019 Headstones and Monuments, AS 4425-2020 Above-Ground Burial Structures, Shoalhaven City Council’s Cemeteries, Crematoria and Memorial Gardens Policy and Funerary and Monument/Masonry Services Procedure.
For more information contact Monumental Masons Association of New South Wales