
Plaques are used to memorialise ash placement and lawn burial plots. They are made from cast bronze so that they can withstand weather conditions and remain easy to read for many years to come.
When reserving a plot for the future, you may wish to think about the type of plaque that you would like to be placed. This can assist in identifying relevant sites that allow for that plot type.
Creating a plaque
The Shoalhaven Bereavement Services team can assist you in designing your plaque. There are set sizes and shapes for different memorial areas of the cemeteries and the staff will let you know what wording and images will fit onto each.
Many people have trouble knowing what to say on a plaque. The Bereavement Services staff can assist you in getting started by provide expert advice and examples.
Some plaques include a space for a flat motif emblem that can be personally selected. Browse emblem image options from our suppliers below:
Once you have connected with Shoalhaven Bereavement Services regarding the design, they will send you a final proof for approval before it is sent to the supplier. The Australian based suppliers take great pride in their craftsmanship and quality, ensuring that the plaque you have designed is manufactured with care and expertise.
The Bereavement Services staff will notify you once the plaque has been delivered to confirm placement details.