Conditions of Entry

Visitors, contractors and workers within Shoalhaven City Council cemeteries agree to not:

  • Damage, deface, interfere with or alter interment sites;
  • Damage, deface, interfere with or alter monuments;
  • Bury, inter or exhume any human remains, whether cremated or not without Council permission;
  • Enter or remain in a Cemetery between sunset and sunrise;
  • Cause or permit an animal that is under the person’s control to enter or remain in a Cemetery. This does not include riding a horse or leading or walking a dog on a leash;
  • Take part in any gathering, meeting or assembly, except for the purpose of religious, research, historical, educational or other ceremony of interment or commemoration;
  • Engage in trade or commerce without Council’s written consent;
  • Distribute any circulars, advertisements, paper drawn or photographic material without prior Council consent;
  • Drive a vehicle at a speed of more than eight (8) kilometres per hour;
  • Drive a vehicle or a vehicle and trailer having an unladen weight of more than three (3) tonnes; 
  • Drive a vehicle through a Cemetery for the purpose of travelling between places outside of the Cemetery;
  • Park a vehicle on any known interment site, verge or plantation, or in a manner that is likely to impede traffic;
  • Teach, learn or practice driving a vehicle;
  • Camp or reside on any Cemetery land;
  • Possess or consume an alcoholic or intoxicating beverage or substance;
  • Urinate or defecate;
  • Bring or leave any rubbish, refuse, scrap metal (including remains of vehicles), rock, soil, sand or any other such substances;
  • Remove any dead timber, logs, trees, flora, whether standing or fallen;
  • Kill, capture or in any way interfere with any animal, bird, fish or other fauna, whether native or introduced; and
  • Plant any tree, shrub, herbage or other plant without prior consent.

Council’s written consent is required to legally carry out any act that might otherwise give rise to an offence under this clause.